
By gnanaguru, 20 September, 2022

You may got error while installing new module via drush

for example:

When you try to install devel and devel_kint_module or any other module, will be getting similar error

Configuration objects(system.menu.devel) provided by devel already exist in active configuration.

Here is the solution to overcome this issue

drush config-delete <configuration object you wanted to delete>

In my case, I need to delete system.menu.devel.

drush config-delete system.menu.devel

By gnanaguru, 17 August, 2022

There are 2 ways to change the base url of the Drupal website

1. Using .htaccess file
Add a .htaccess on the parent directory, and put the following text to it,

RewriteEngine on

#index page
RewriteRule ^$ drupal_website_path/index.php [L]

#the other pages
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule .* drupal_website_path/$0 [L]

2. Using setting.php file


By gnanaguru, 9 August, 2022

You can add new features to websites by adding modules to Drupal website

There are two ways to add modules into websites

  1. Adding a module using composer
  2. Adding a module using drush

Note: After adding module to website, you needed to enable the module using drupal interface or using drush commands


By gnanaguru, 19 July, 2022

Drush is scripting interface for Drupal. The best way to install drush is per-project basic.

Run composer require

In most the case, Drush can install with dev-dependency. You can run the below command in Durpal base directory

composer require --dev drush/drush


By gnanaguru, 19 July, 2022

You can install drupal through command line, git bash and other scripting UI tools. You can use it to configure and debug your Drupal website, install, modify and delete extensions or themes and many other things.

Open the command line editor or git bash, powershell and use the below command to create new Drupal website
